Whether I was able to conduct my research according to my plan:
As soon as I arrived at Waseda University, I was welcomed by my host supervisor. We scheduled some meetings with the PhD student I was going to collaborate with and got the research started straight away! Thanks to the enormous support of the PhD student, I managed to start and conclude a project in only two months. We are in the process of writing a paper about our joint work.
Accomplishments and experiences I would never have gotten unless I joined the Summer Program:
I wouldn’t have started this amazing collaboration with the research group there. I learned new techniques and met so many interesting people. Also, the Summer Program gave me the opportunity to visit other research group in Osaka, Kyoto and Okinawa! It was amazing. I learned so much and that impacted my research, steering it in a different way. I had some seminars at different universities and received valuable feedback. Finally, the PhD student I collaborated with at Waseda University is coming to visit me in Sweden to continue the collaboration, which is amazing!!
How do I make good use of this experience in my future research:
Dealing with different research groups gave a broad prospect on the field, but also made my research ideas stronger as I was presenting them to different communities. I will continue the collaboration with the professors and PhD students I met and this will have a positive impact on my research.
Message for future participants:
Enjoy every single day because two months is not a lot of time!! I was lucky to be in a vibrant and amazing city like Tokyo. I loved my time there so much! Travel as well and visit other JSPS fellows. The connections with them are one of the best thing of the program!

Name: Piergiuseppe Mallozzi Title: PhD-student Institution: Chalmers University of Technology Host Institution in Japan: Waseda University