Postdoctoral Fellowships Standard Program

This program provides opportunities for postdoctoral researchers from overseas to conduct, under the guidance of a host researcher, cooperative research with leading research groups in Japanese universities and other research institutions.

Fields of research

All fields of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences are included under this program.


  • Be a citizen of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan

  • Hold a doctorate degree received within the past 6 years

  • Duration

    12-24 months

    What we offer

  • Round-trip air ticket
  • Monthly maintenance allowance: JPY 362,000
  • Settling-in allowance of JPY 200,000
  • Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows (KAKENHI)
  • Overseas travel insurance

  • How to apply

    There are two ways to apply

    1. Application through nominating authority (Sweden, Finland, Norway and Estonia)
    Those with a citizenship or permanent residency in these countries can apply under special quotas.

    Swedish applications are submitted to JSPS Stockholm and nominated by KVA, SSF and VINNOVA.

    Applicants from Finland, Norway and Estonia submit their applications to Academy of Finland, Research Council of Norway and Estonian Research Council, respectively.

    FY2024 Call
    Finland (closed)
    Call opens
    23 August 2023

    Call closes
    20 September 2023 at 16.15 Finnish time

    Go to application page
    Estonia (closed)
    Call opens
    3 Novmeber 2023

    Call closes
    1 April 2024

    Go to application page
    Sweden (closed)
    Where to submit your application:

    Please submit your application to JSPS Stockholm by email to .

    *Please write “Application for FY2024 (Standard)” in the subject line of your email.

    Call opens
    22 November 2023

    Call closes:

    15 January (Mon) 2024, 17:00 CET

    Fellowship starting date:

    1 July 2024 - 30 November 2024

    Norway (No open call)
    There is no open call for FY2024.

    FY2023 Call
    Finland (closed)
    Call opens
    25 August 2022

    Call closes
    28 September 2022 at 16.15 Finnish time

    Go to application page
    Estonia (closed)
    Call opens
    6 October 2022

    Call closes
    6 March 2023

    Go to application page
    Sweden (closed)
    Where to submit your application:

    Please submit your application to JSPS Stockholm by email to .

    *Please write “Application for FY2023 (Standard)” in the subject line of your email.

    Call opens
    11 October 2022

    Call closes:

    8 January (Sun) 2023, 17:00 CET

    Fellowship starting date:

    1 July 2023 - 30 November 2023

    Norway (closed)
    Call opens
    13 December 2022

    Call closes
    25 January 2023

    Go to application page

    2. Application through open recruitment (Others)
    Application is submitted by the applicant's host researcher in Japan directly to JSPS Tokyo.

    FY2024 application deadlines
    1st call: 1 September 2023
    2nd call: 26 April 2024

    For further information please visit JSPS Tokyo's webpage

    A comprehensive application schedule can be found at our "Application Schedule" page.