Alumni Club in Finland (ACF)


The JSPS Alumni Club in Finland (ACF) was established in 2009 by the initiative of former JSPS fellows, with the support of the JSPS Stockholm Office. The current number of members is 82. The ACF organizes symposia on various themes, the All Alumni Meeting, the annual General Assembly and Board Meetings. The ACF is actively trying to reach its members by organizing symposia all over Finland. The rules and regulations are stipulated in the articles of the club.

Message from ACF Board Chair

The JSPS Alumni Club in Finland (ACF) was founded in 2009. Our main goal is to promote scientific exchange between Finland and Japan in contact with JSPS. This is done mainly by arranging events, all over Finland in all scientific fields, where former and current JSPS affiliated people can exchange information, as well as form and maintain wonderful networks. We arrange events for people with ties to Japan who are currently living or staying in Finland. We also offer annual financial support for our regular members to arrange scientific activity seminars, and to participate in the JSPS BRIDGE Fellowship Program to revisit Japan. In Finland, around 90 researchers have been to Japan to carry out research under JSPS international programs from 2016 to 2018.

As of February, 2020, we have 72 regular members, 21 associate members and 2 honorary members. Everyone currently residing or staying in Finland, and who has participated in a JSPS program, is eligible to join us as a member. Everyone, without participation in a JSPS program, but interested in maintaining your contacts with Japanese and Finnish colleagues is eligible to join us as an associate member. I am happy to say that ACF celebrated its 10th Anniversary with a congratulatory event on December 12, 2019, in Helsinki. We generate new collaboration between the two countries, now and forever. Please do not hesitate to send a membership form through the JSPS Stockholm Office’s Webpage. Let's have an active ACF together!

The board members of ACF