On 13 February, a JSPS Alumni Club in Denmark (ACD) seminar entitled “Micro electron diffraction: impact in protein science and chemistry” was held at University of Copenhagen in Denmark. Koji Yonekura (Group Director at RIKEN SPring-8 Center and IMRAM, and Professor at Tohoku University) was invited and gave a lecture about “Exploring chemical properties through 3D ED and cryo-EM”. The seminar was hosted by Leila Lo Leggio (Professor at Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen (Chair of ACD)), and about 40 people in total participated in it on-site. Many young researchers participated in the seminar and engaged in discussions during the talk sessions.
JSPS Alumni Seminar (ACD) – Micro electron diffraction: impact in protein science and chemistry
“Micro electron diffraction: impact in protein science and chemistry”
Date and time:Thursday 13, February 2025 11:00 – 18:00
Lecturer:Koji Yonekura (Group Director at RIKEN SPring-8 Center and IMRAM, and Professor at Tohoku University)
Venue: Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, Copenhagen
For more details, please check the PDF file on the following URL: https://sid.erda.dk/share_redirect/gooWtgrOZ6
Program (subject to change)
11.00-11.15: Arrival and registration (Auditorium 5, HCØ Building, Department of Chemistry)
Auditorium 5, HCØ Building, Department of Chemistry
11.15: Welcome and introduction to the event (Prof Leila Lo Leggio, Department of Chemistry and
chair of JSPS ACD)
11.25: The NNF-CHEM infrastructure Center for Electron Diffraction at the Department of Chemistry,
University of Copenhagen (Prof Jesper Bendix, Department of Chemistry, facility leader)
11.45: Selected examples of structures solved at the facility (Arianna Lanza, Department of
Chemistry, facility manager)
12.05-12.25: Local speaker, TBA
12.25-13.15: Lunch and poster set up at Sydenden af vandrehallen (follow the locals!)
Auditorium 5, HCØ Building, Department of Chemistry
13.15-14.15: Main speaker, Prof Koji Yonekura, RIKEN SPring-8 Center and IMRAM, Tohoku
University “Exploring chemical properties through 3D ED and cryo-EM”
14.15-14.35: short coffee break
14.35-15.35: Local speakers, TBA
15.35-15.45: JSPS fellowship information
15.45: Closing remarks
15.50-18.00: Poster session and reception at Sydenden af vandrehallen (follow the locals!)