The JSPS Alumni Club in Sweden (SAC) was established in 2005 by the initiative of former JSPS fellows, with the support of the JSPS Stockholm Office. The current number of members is 170. The SAC organizes symposia on various themes, Sweden-Japan Academic Network, General Assembly and Board Meetings. The rules and regulations are stipulated in the articles of the club.
The 12th Sweden-Japan Academic Network (SJAN) Seminar –
September 4, 2023
JSPS Alumni Seminar (SAC) – Contemporary Topics in Ultrasonics –
March 20 - March 21, 2023
JSPS Alumni Seminar (SAC) – Virtual Museums and Visualisations of Cultural Heritage in Sweden and Japan –
March 14, 2023
“Coordination Self-assembly and 3D electron Crystallography” The 11th Sweden-Japan Academic Network (SJAN) Seminar
October 24-25, 2022
JSPS Alumni Seminar (SAC) – Topics in computational methods for stochastic and deterministic differential equations
April 22, 2022
The 10th Sweden-Japan Academic Network (SJAN) Seminar
March 17-18, 2022
JSPS/SAC Seminar 2022, On Gas Kinetic/Dynamics and Life Science
March 11, 2022
“Virtual museums 2.0 – Digital Visualizations of Art and Architecture in Sweden and Japan” SAC webinar
March 25-26, 2021
JSPS/SAC Seminar: On Gas Kinetic/Dynamics and Life Science
March 26, 2021
Sweden-Japan Academic Network 2021 Open Webinar
March 12, 2021
“Virtual Museums” JSPS SAC Activity Seminar FY2020
February 5, 2020
The 8th Sweden-Japan Academic Network Seminar
October 28, 2019
The 2nd SAC Activity Seminar FY2019: Orthopedic Musculoskeletal Regeneration
September 24-25, 2019
The 1st SAC Activity Seminar FY2019: AI in Japan and Sweden
February 1, 2019
The 7th Sweden-Japan Academic Network
November 15-16, 2018
The 2nd SAC Activity Seminar FY2018 ~ Environmental Radioactivity – Experience from Japan and Sweden ~
August 22, 2018
The 1st SAC Activity Seminar FY2018 ~ Environmental Impact on Reproduction and Fertility ~

Johan Eriksson
Chair, JSPS Alumni Club in Sweden (SAC)
Message from SAC Board Chair
Most welcome to the JSPS Alumni Club in Sweden (SAC). The SAC was established in 2005 and anyone who has received a grant from JSPS to perform research, is most welcome to join the SAC and our activities. Would you be interested in joining the club, do not hesitate to contact the board or fill in the registration form.
Please note that the SAC requires no membership fee. The objective of the SAC is to promote scientific exchange between Sweden and Japan, and to exchange information among the club members. The SAC is involved in the following main activities:
(1) General Assembly
It is arranged once a year when all members are welcome to participate. We usually reflect on that FY’s activities and make plans for the next FY’s activities. We also discuss how to further activate our activities with all members, and handle the personnel matters such as who should serve as the Chair and Vice-Chair in the board.
(2) Activity Seminars
All regular members are eligible to apply for funding to arrange an Activity Seminar. A seminar should be one to two days and target approximately 50 participants. The topics of the seminars are open. One or two seminars are approved every year. Participation of one Japanese researcher is supported by JSPS Stockholm Office, and the participation of more Japanese counterparts is endorsed and solicited.
(3) BRIDGE Fellowship Program
All regular members can apply for the BRIDGE Fellowship Program. It provides opportunities for members who have conducted research activities in Japan to come back there for 14 to30 days, in order to sustain and/or strengthen research collaboration with Japanese colleagues.
The board members of SAC
Johan Eriksson

Title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Uppsala University, Department of Art History
Field of research: Art history
E-mail: johan.eriksson@konstvet.uu.se
Mohammad Asadzadeh

Title: Professor
Affiliation: Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Field of research: Numerical analysis of hyperbolic PDEs, convection-diffusion and integro-differential equations
E-mail: mohammad@chalmers.se
Board member:
Elin Palm

Title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Linköping University, Division of Philosophy and Ethics
Field of research: Applied ethics, including ICT-ethics
E-mail: elin.palm@liu.se
Board member:
Imre Pázsit

Title: Professor
Affiliation: Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Physics
Field of research: Nuclear energy, nuclear engineering, reactor physics, stochastic processes
E-mail: imre@chalmers.se
Board member:
Joel Peterson

Title: Senior Lecturer
Affiliation: University of Borås, The Swedish School of Textiles
Field of research: Textiles studies, tricot technology
E-mail: joel.peterson@hb.se
Board Member:
Püren Güler

Title: Researcher
Affiliation: Ericsson Research GFTL HDE DPR Device software research
Field of research: Investigating/designing artificially intelligent perception algorithms for devices (e.g, extended reality devices, robotics, automotive etc.).
E-mail: puren.guler@ericsson.com
Board member:
Lembit Sihver

Title: Professor
Affiliation: Founder and CTO of Cosmic Shielding Corporation (Boston, MA, USA) ; Prof. and Director of CRREAT at NPI of the CAS (Prague, Czech Republic); Visiting Professor at MIT (Boston, MA, USA)
Field of research: Medical radiation physics; ion therapy; dosimetry on Earth, at aviation altitudes and in deep space; nuclear chemistry; nuclear physics, nuclear engineering; radiation transport simulations and radiobiology
E-mail: lembit.sihver@utrgv.edu